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Digital Captures of Art

The digital capture is the first step in creating a perfect giclee print. Artwork must first be digitally captured and converted to a digital file before it can be printed. The image quality and color accuracy are set during the digital capture in order to ensure a perfect replication of your artwork.

Color Balancing

Once an artwork has been captured, the image is then printed and meticulously adjusted through a series of proof prints to match saturation and color detail of the original work. Once complete, the digital files are provided on a flash drive or CD along with the final proof print for the artist's approval.

Digitizing Process

Eagle Fine Arts' capture facility has been designed to perfectly capture every color and detail in each piece of art. Our facility features state-of-the-art technology which includes an all black capture room, all LED color-correct lighting, a custom vacuum board for rice papers, and pixel-shift multi-shot camera technology. We own only the highest quality equipment and software, and we guarantee our clients will only receive the highest quality of work from the experience of our staff and the quality of our equipment.

Capture Formats 

We offer Standard and Pro formats for our captures. Both formats are fully color balanced, with the main difference being the digital file size. The Standard capture can hold up to 100MB of data, which is still double the size most capture studios offer. On the other hand, the Pro capture can hold up to 1GB of data, which is about 10 times the size of the Standard capture.

Book Your Capture Now

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